(the first person that finds the meaning of the title and puts it in the comments section earns a request for the next show)
Dr Easy takes his role of explorer of obscure music so seriously, that today's show comes as a result of his in-person investigation into the hearts of Portugal! Here's a shout-out to Luis from Rocknet Records, his excellent record store in the rocking area of Barro Alto in Lisbon. Luis recommended the bands below, and after checking out some of the songs on YouTube, I can only agree:
Portugal is famous for its saaaad fado. Instead of being cliche and throwing an old Amalia Rodriguez out there, I'm gonna go with the band that made me discover the genre in the mid 90s (well, they were around earlier, but I digress):
It's enchanting, I'm enchanted. I'm going back there when I can.
Sont forts
12 years ago
Cod with scrambled eggs and fried potatoes! And, eww.